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Public Sector Equality Duty at Godwin Junior School


The Public Sector Equality Duty requires our school to publish information about Equalities.


The Equality Act 2010 clearly states that the following groups must be taken into account. People identified in the following groups are considered to have a protected characteristic.


Protected Characteristics – school must take into account when publishing information


  • Disability

  • Sex (gender)

  • Race (ethnicity)

  • Pregnancy and Maternity

  • Religion and Belief

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Gender Re-assignment


The information we publish and analyse must be clearly linked to the three aims (General Duties) of the Public Sector Equality Duty. General Duties are the things that school aims to achieve)


General Duties


The three aims of the Public Sector Equality Duty are:


  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.

  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


Specific Duties
Publish information
Establish Equality Objectives in the form of an Action Plan


All the information and analysis will be from school improvement plans, evaluations and student data – we intend to use the information to improve education for all groups in the school. We want to make sure we know which pupils are doing well and less well so we can plan to improve.


A lot of this information is already being used by the school to develop and become better at making sure we are doing well for all our students. Some of the information may show us that we could be doing better. We will use information which tells us we could be doing better to plan for the future and include these actions in our Equalities Objectives which you will find also published here.


This information is meant to be clear and simple. If you have any problem with the way we have written it and can think of a way we can make the information clearer please let us know. You may contact Sine Brown, Head Teacher, or Hans ramduth, Inclusion Leader.


All the information is broken down to show how the school is doing in providing services and functions to different groups within the school community. We include information about:


  • Attainment – how well students are doing.

  • Participation and engagement – students joining in and getting a chance to take part.

  • Disabled pupils and SEN.

  • Behaviour – how many exclusions monitoring by gender/disability SEND and other groupings. This is to try to find out if we can improve what we do in the school.

  • Anti Bullying – If we have a problem with bullying – is there a trend or pattern we need to know about.

  • How we are going to work towards improving what we do.


Click here to view our Equality Duty

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